impact environmental
Impact environmental, term that defines the effect that produces a certain human action on the environment.
The effects can be positive or negative and they can be classified in: social effects, economic effects, technological-cultural effects and ecological effects.
Inside the social impacts it is usually put as example the effect of the noise generated by the traffic in a railcar. The noise causes a negative impact about the quality of life or on the comfort of people that you/they inhabit next to the infrastructure question (sees you acoustic Contamination). on the contrary, the recrecimiento of an existent prey can have a positive effect, assuring the supply of water during the prolonged dry seasons.
The high-speed lines usually have a positive effect in the economic development of the districts for those that reflect.
The cultural effects usually characterize since for their negative impact, in occasions, the human activities can end up altering or to destroy locations or other cultural goods. On the contrary, a positive effect would be the discovery of archaeological or paleontological remains during the excavations and the earth movements that are carried out in certain works. A clear example constitutes it the location of Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain) that put on to the overdraft thanks to the trenches that were dug during the works of the railroad.
The ecological impact is generally of negative character, since it can suppose the displacement of populations or the hábitats destruction or of species. In some occasions, however, positive effects are generated; for example in the exploitations of arid in graveras new hábitats can be created when, when giving way or to be drained the exploitation, the pale is flooded becoming a humid area.
The term environmental impact is used in two differentiated fields, although related to each other: the environment scientific-technician and the juridical-administrative one. The first one has given place to the development of methodologies for the identification and the valuation of the environmental impacts, included in the process that is known as Evaluation of Environmental Impact (EIA); the second an entire series of norms and laws that guarantee that a certain project can be modified has taken place or rejected due to their environmental consequences (sees you Project technician). This rejection or modification takes place along the administrative procedure of the impact evaluation. Thanks to the impact evaluations, they can be studied and to predict this environmental consequences, this is, the impacts that it causes a certain action.