All Species Toolkit - http://www.speciestoolkit.org/
Provides search access to several different taxonomic databases. Search by genus, species, or common name.
Biodiversity Explorer - http://www.museums.org.za/bio
Classification of all forms of life, with some photos. Has a strong South African emphasis.
BioImages - Virtual Fieldguide for UK Biodiversity - http://www.bioimages.org.uk/
Large selection of pictures of organisms, mostly British in origin. Images are an aid to identification, showing different stages, states and views of the organisms. Search the database or follow a taxonomic tree.
BiologyBase - http://www.biologybase.com/
Checklists, articles, and links for the world of life.
BIOSIS Resources - http://www.biosis.org.uk/free_resources/
Includes the Index to Organism Names, a publicly available subset of TRITON the Taxonomy Resource, and the Zoological Record Thesaurus.
Canadian Version of Integrated Taxonomic Information System - http://sis.agr.gc.ca/pls/itisca/taxaget?p_ifx=aafc
Searchable database of four kingdoms: plant, animal, fungi, monera. Search by scientific or common names, English or French.
Discover Life - http://www.discoverlife.org/
Information about taxonomy, natural history, distribution, abundance, and ecology of many different groups of living things, with focus on Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA.
Flora and Fauna of the Great Lakes - http://www.lib.umich.edu/programs/greatlakes/
Provides access to materials from the fish, mammal, and fungus collections of the University of Michigan, USA. Includes many images of specimens.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System - http://www.itis.usda.gov/
Authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world.
Kingdoms Project - http://www.il-st-acad-sci.org/kingdoms.html
Project to establish web-based databases of organisms and other natural sciences subjects. Includes information about some taxonomic groups.
Lepidoptera and Other Life Forms - http://www.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/intro.html
Taxonomic tree of mammals, insects, birds, and plants. Includes common and scientific names, publication details, references, links, general range maps, and some images. Most complete for Lepidoptera.
Mikko's Phylogeny Archive - http://www.fmnh.helsinki.fi/users/haaramo/index.htm
A compilation of various phylogenetic trees representing different views of taxonomy. Includes links to other taxonomic websites.
Natural Perspective - http://www.perspective.com/nature/index.html
Dedicated to the beauty and science of nature and to the joys nature brings to those who explore it. The material here is organized according to the biological principles of Taxonomy.
Natural Selection - http://nature.ac.uk/
A gateway to quality, evaluated Internet resources in the natural world co-ordinated by The Natural History Museum, London.
NCBI Taxonomy - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/taxonomyhome.html/
Searchable and browsable taxonomy tree of organisms for which there are publicly available gene sequences.
Survey of the Plant Kingdoms - http://web1.manhattan.edu/fcardill/plants/intro/
Explores plant anatomy, taxonomy, and classification, from Monera through the higher plants. Includes descriptions as well as graphics and schematics.
Tree of Life - http://tolweb.org/
Phylogenetic tree with information about the diversity of organisms on Earth, their history, and characteristics. An on-going multi-authored project hosted by the University of
Arizona Biodiversity Database - http://www.eti.uva.nl/Database/
A growing taxonomic database and information system that aims at documenting all presently known species (about 1.7 million). Taxonomic trees, descriptions, synonyms, literature citations, and molecular database