2000 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species - http://www.redlist.org/
Provides taxonomic, conservation status, and distribution information on taxa that are facing a high risk of global extinction.
ASEAN Regional Centre for Biodiversity Conservation - http://www.arcbc.org.ph/
Supports the generation, exchange and dissemination of information related to biodiversity conservation in South East Asia and serves as the focus for networking and institutional linkage among ASEAN Member countries and between ASEAN and EU partner organizations.
Biodiversity - http://www.unep-wcmc.org/reception/glossary.htm
Glossary of Biodiversity terms.
Biodiversity - http://www.teriin.org/biodiv/biodiv.htm
Provides information on present status and key issues of biodiversity in India. This also contains case studies, discussion list, and links.
Biodiversity and WORLDMAP - http://www.rrz.uni-hamburg.de/biologie/b_online/ibc99/biogeography/
Measuring biodiversity value & selecting priority areas for conservation.
Biodiversity Conservation - http://www.teriin.org/biodiv/issue.htm
Detailed information on issues related to biodiversity conservation such as conservation strategies, community oriented approaches, and biodiversity laws.
Biodiversity Conservation - http://www.irf.org/irbiodiv.html
Biodiversity conservation programme for the Eastern Caribbean, 1990-1999.
Biodiversity Conservation - http://www.earth.nasa.gov/outreach/biodiversity/
Proceedings from a workshop on the applications of NASA technology for biodiversity conservation.
Biodiversity Conservation - http://bpsp-neca.brim.ac.cn/books/actpln_uzbek/index.html
A national strategy and action plan of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Biodiversity Conservation - http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/prot_res/overview/biodiversity.html
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) implements and coordinates programs or activities that study, conserve, and manage biological diversity, both domestically and internationally.
Biodiversity Conservation Information System - http://www.biodiversity.org/
A partnership of major international organisations involved with biodiversity and conservation. Aiming to provide conservationists, government officials and others with access to important information about conservation of biodiversity.
Biodiversity Conservation Network - http://www.bcnet.org/
BCN was established to test hypotheses about the conditions under which community-based enterprises can lead to conservation. This BCN Web site is no longer being updated, however, details of the research are still accessible.
Biodiversity Conservation Programme - http://www.irf.org/irhome.html
For the Eastern Caribbean, 1990-1999.
Biodiversity Database of Washington DC - http://biodiversity.georgetown.edu/index.htm
Aims to provide photographs and information about the species in the Washington D.C. Area.
Biodiversity Document - http://www.sn.apc.org/biodiv/
This discussion document is part of a process to involve a wide range of people in making new policies for South Africa on the best ways to protect and to use our rich biological diversity.
Biodiversity Program - http://www.mnh.si.edu/biodiversity/
The program conducts studies relating to biological diversity, systematics, evolution and ecology and is one of the five National Museum of Natural History research initiatives.
Biodiversity Program - http://www.cppa.org/english/biodiv/
Canadian pulp and paper industry program intended to establish industry as a leader and partner in biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. Includes a searchable database.
Biodiversity Servers - http://www.ecnc.nl/doc/servers/biodiver.html
Links to many biodiversity sites.
Biodiversity Support Program - http://www.bsponline.org/
Operated from 1989-2001 as a consortium of international conservation agencies. Numerous publications and other documents have been archived online. Emphasis on projects combining conservation with social and economic development.
Biological Conservation Newsletter - http://rathbun.si.edu/bcn/
A monthly publication of the Department of Systematic Biology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.
Biosis - http://www.biosis.org.uk/
An abstracting and indexing service for the life sciences.
BP Conservation Project - http://www.bp.com/conservation/
Provides funding for student led conservation projects world-wide.
Bushmeat Crisis Task Force - http://www.bushmeat.org/
A consortium of conservation organizations and scientists dedicated to the conservation of wildlife populations threatened by commercial hunting of wildlife for sale as meat.
Calypso Environmental Research Bureau - http://members.fortunecity.es/calypso/
A not-for-profit non-governmental organisation, aiming to preserve the natural heritage of the Mediterranean environment. Gives information on research being undertaken, the resources available and sponsers.
Center for Applied Biodiversity Science - http://www.biodiversityscience.org/xp/CABS/home
A division of Conservation International, calling attention to areas of biodiversity that are threatened with destruction.
Community Biodiversity Network - http://www.nccnsw.org.au/member/cbn/projects/EducationCentre/AboutBiod.html
A description of biodiversity and it's conservation in Australia.
Community for Coastal and Cassowary Conservation Inc. - http://www.env.qld.gov.au/environment/coast/coastcare/main.html
A community-based program that encourages residents, volunteers, businesses and interest groups to care for their coastal areas. Gives information on projects and contact information.
Conservation Biology Discussions - http://csf.colorado.edu/consbio/
Conservation biology discussion archives provided by the University of Washington.
Conservation Breeding Specialist Group - http://www.cbsg.org/
An international conserveration organization whose mission is to assist conservation of threatened animal and plant species through scientific management of small populations in wild habitats, with linkage to captive populations where needed.
Conservation Environment Ecosystems - http://www.blackhole.on.ca/main.htm
Focuses on the privatization of important conservation lands by Toronto Conservation Authority in the Rouge Park.
Conservation Fund - http://www.conservationfund.org/conservation/index.html
Established in 1986, the fund has protected over 1.4 million acres of the nation's natural and cultural heritage, seeking sustainable solutions by integrating environmental and economic goals.
Conservation International - http://www.conservation.org/xp/CIWEB/home
Field-based non-profit organization that uses science, economics, policy, and community involvement to promote biodiversity conservation in tropical rain forests and other endangered ecosystems worldwide. Works in 23 countries in Latin America, Africa, and the Asia Pacific region.
Conservation Law Foundation - http://www.clf.org/
Uses law, economics and science to solve the environmental problems that threaten the people, natural resources and communities of New England.
Conservation Management Institute - http://fwie.fw.vt.edu/
Addresses multidisciplinary research questions that affect conservation management effectiveness.
Conservation Online - http://www.conservationonline.com/
A webchannel designed to bring together the various organisations working on all aspects of conservation.
Conservation through Research Education and Action - http://www.crea-panama.org
A UK charitable organisation dedicated to the conservation of tropical environments in Panama. Gives information on research being undertaken and conservation projects.
Darwin Initiative Biodiversity Conservation - http://www.darwin.gov.uk
A UK government grant scheme to promote biodiversity protection and sustainable resource use in less developed countries. Project, programme and monitoring information.
Docent - http://www.szgdocent.org/content.htm
The Zoo docents are volunteers who share with visitors the mysteries and wonder of animals that we share this planet with, complementing the educational efforts of the Singapore Zoological Gardens and Night Safari by providing special programmes on conservation awareness.
Earthroots Park Alert - http://www.parkalert.org
Working to stop high-impact activities such as hunting, mining, ATV and snowmobile use in protected areas such as parks and conservations reserves. Information about the impact of these activities, and the action being taken, is given.
Eldis Biodiversity Resource Guide - http://www.eldis.org/biodiversity/index.htm
Offers a structured overview of the subject, particularly in the context of international development and the environment.
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation 1999 - http://www.environment.gov.au/epbc/index.html
Information on all aspects of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act, 1999
ESRI Conservation Program - http://www.conservationgis.org/
Conservation information and links to organisations.
Indiana Conservation - http://ice.butler.edu
Dedicated to the conservation of biodiversity in Indiana, includes lists and descriptions of endangered species and habitats, and news and updates of conservation groups.
International Events - http://www.czp.cuni.cz/en/info/pokus.asp
A list of international conferences devoted to conservation and sustainable development.
International Marine Mammal Association - http://www.imma.org/
Dedicated to the conservation of marine mammals and their habitats worldwide, through research and education.
Mangrove Environmental Protection Group - http://www.elmanglar.com/
Established in 1994 in San Blas, Nayarit, Mexico to protect the mangrove wetlands from damage by tourism and shrimp farmers. Gives history of the group, current projects and photographs of the area.
National Biodiversity Network - http://www.nbn.org.uk/
An information network of biodiversity data provided by a collaboration of organisations, such as the UK nature agencies, wildlife trusts, the Natural History Museum and others.
Native America - http://nativeamerica.org/
Information about the plants and animals of North America, research being undertaken, restoration/protection projects and membership details.
Natural Resources Defense Council - http://www.nrdc.org/wildlife/default.asp
Information about the threats to endangered animals and their habitats.
NatureServe Explorer - http://www.natureserve.org/explorer/
Source for conservation information on more than 50,000 plants, animals, and ecological communities of the United States and Canada.
Office of Protected Resources - http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/prot_res/prot_res.html
Provides advice for national policy direction and conservation of marine mammals, endangered species and their habitats.
Offwell Woodland and Wildlife Trust - http://www.offwell.free-online.co.uk/conserva.htm
Concerned with the conservation of species, habitats and biodiversity.
Oryx - http://titles.cambridge.org/journals/journal_catalogue.asp?historylinks=SUBJ&mnemonic=ORX
A journal that provides a comprehensive review of the conservation and status of fauna, flora and habitats, and of conservation policy and sustainable use.
Pacific Conservation Biology - http://wwwscience.murdoch.edu.au/centres/others/pcb/
Papers on conservation research and management in the Pacific region.
Rainforest Conservation Fund - http://www.rainforestconservation.org/
A non-profit organization that is dedicated to preserving the world's tropical forests.
The Center for Reproduction of Endangered Species - http://www.sandiegozoo.org/conservation/homepage.php3
Dedicated to preserving and protecting rare and endangered wildlife, with much of the research conducted since its foudning in 1975 has become critical in helping save many species from extinction.
The Charles Darwin Foundation - http://www.darwinfoundation.org/
Founded in 1959, under the auspices of UNESCO and the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, the Charles Darwin Foundation is dedicated to the conservation of the Galapagos ecosystems.
The Environmental Protection and Conservation Foundation - http://www.epcfoundation.org/welcome.htm
Supports academic research for the preservation and improvement of the natural environment and to minimise the impact of industrial processes on the environment.
The National Park Service - http://www.aqd.nps.gov/
Charged with the trust of preserving the natural resources of America.
The Paradise - http://www.cactos.com.br/pages/01_a_paraiso_abre_eng.html
Information about the threats to cacti, bromeliads and other plants and wildlife in Brazil.
The Rare Species Conservatory Foundation - http://www.rarespecies.org/index.htm
A non-profit organization dedicated to preserving biodiversity.
The Whitley Awards Foundation - http://www.whitleyaward.org/
Offers a wide range of awards and grants for nature conservation projects worldwide. Applications are welcome from those working in nature conservation, botanical and habitat conservation and renewable energy.
Tropical Research and Conservation Centre - http://www.tracc.00server.com/
Research and education in biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of marine environments of East Malaysia.
Ulster Wildlife Trust - http://www.ulsterwildlifetrust.org/
A conservation organisation in Northern Ireland and a partner in the network of Wildlife Trusts, providing information about habitats, species, reserves, and. projects being undertaking. Current news, events and contact detail are given.
UNEP-WCMC Species Conservation Database - Animals - http://www.unep-wcmc.org/index.html?http://www.unep-wcmc.org/species/dbases/fauna/~main
The web frontend to the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre species conservation database of animals. This website provides access to the international legislative and distribution information of animal species throughout the world.
Watershed Biodiversity - http://www.dnr.cornell.edu/hydro2/watintro.htm
Analysis and conservation of biodiversity of watersheds.
Wild World - http://www.worldwildlife.org/wildworld
Provides maps identifying habitat types and areas that are identified as priority for conservation.
Wildlife Conservation Network - http://www.wildnet.org
Information about the network which focuses on funding and supporting independent and innovative conservationists who are creating and implementing new strategies for saving endangered wildlife and habitats and the projects in progress.
Wildlife Conservation Research Unit - http://www.wildcru.org/
Original research on aspects of fundamental biology relevant to wildlife conservation and environmental management. Department of Zoology, Oxford University, UK.
Wildlife Conservation Society - http://www.wcs.org/
USA organization managing national and international conservation projects, research and education programs.
World Conservation Monitoring Centre - http://www.unep-wcmc.org/
Provides information services on conservation and sustainable use of the world's living resources, and helps others to develop information systems of their own.
World Wide Ecological Support - http://www.ecosupport.com
Information about projects related to the conservation of wildlife, plant life and communities world wide.